
How to Celebrate Your 10th Anniversary? Router-Siwtch.com

Router-switch.com is ten years old, happy 10th Anniversary! It is a vital phase for all router-switch.com staff in 2012. How to celebrate its 10th anniversary? What Router-switch.com Prepared for Its tenth birthday to thank its regulars and new clients? Let’s have a look!

Router-switch.com, ten years old, happy birthday! 2012 marks the tenth anniversary of router-switch.com, which is an exciting moment for all router-switch’s staff and clients.

What Router-switch.com Prepared for Its 10th Anniversary?

In 2012, router-switch.com welcomes its 10th anniversary. For router-switch.com, it has been a worldwide leading Cisco supplier during the past 10 years. To celebrate 10 years, it prepares big gifts for its regulars and new clients, such as Cisco AIR-AP1131AG-A-K9, limited edition T-shirts and 20PC U disk. Some popular Cisco products(including Cisco routers: Cisco 2900&3900 Routers, Cisco switches: Catalyst 3560x Series, Cisco Catalyst 3750x Series, Catalyst 3560V2/3750V2Cisco firewall, Cisco Access Points and network cards) will have big discounts (up to 75% off).The activity date is from September to October. Wow, if you wanna buy Cisco equipment, don’t miss it.

Router-switch.com has become a world’s leading Cisco supplier over the past ten years with the help of its staff and customers. To celebrate its 10 years, router-switch.com offers some activities for all the old and new clients, for example, big discount (save up to 75% off) for the popular Cisco items (including Catalyst 3560x Series, Cisco Catalyst 3750x Series, Catalyst 3560V2/3750V2, Cisco 2900 & 3900 Routers, Network Cards, etc.), fill out a simple survey to win a big gift (Cisco AIR-AP1131AG-A-K9, limited edition T-shirts and 20PC U disk). The activity date is from September. 01. 2012 to October. 31. 2012. Wow, if you are a Cisco buyer, don’t miss this chance. Let’s join the party to celebrate the 10th birthday together. 


How Cisco Resellers and Retailers Benefit From Wholesale Cisco

For Cisco resellers, wholesale Cisco network hardware from some Cisco suppliers like Routerswitch.com is a better choice than purchasing single one from retailers.

One of the main reasons for buying wholesale Cisco equipment is that you get to save money. Held at the cost of buying in bulk is less because you can get a bigger discount for network hardware you bought or get the VIP service for wholesale customers.

If you are looking for an effective way to save money without compromising the quality of Cisco network hardware that you buy, wholesale Cisco hardware is a great choice. You know, most Cisco suppliers provide wholesale service for clients who want to buy certain CISCO items, offering biggest discount, free shipping, earlier delivery, etc.

Nowadays, due to fast development of internet, and to make shopping more convenient and easier, online store is a smart choice to select Cisco network hardware you need. Because they list detailed purchasing guide, preferential price and full info of every cisco item, which can help you buy cheaper Cisco equipment.

All in all, wholesaling CISCO network hardware (such as Cisco routers, especially for business and enterprises, Cisco switches: Catalyst 2960, 3560, 3750, 4500 and 6500, Cisco firewall: Cisco ASA 5500 series) benefit you more, biggest discount, competitive price, VIP service, free shipping, special gift, earlier delivery, etc. all these are only for wholesalers. So if necessary, wholesale Cisco network equipment is the best choice for reseller.

More related to Cisco online store

Router-switch.com is a world’s leading supplier of all the popular Cisco used network hardware sat best wholesale prices, specializing in wholesale Cisco routers, wholesale Cisco switches, wholesale Cisco firewall security, Cisco IP Phones VoIP, and variety in wholesale wireless AP, modules &cards for Cisco routers and switches, etc. And you can also directly buy Cisco network hardware through router-switch.com. More info of types, price, shipment, payment, guarantee, you can visit official website: http://www.router-switch.com/ to check.


How to Configure a VLAN Cisco Router

VLANs help to organize large networks.
Configure a VLAN on a Cisco Router by using a sub interface. CISCO2811-AC-IP The sub interface commands allow you to specify that the interface should encapsulate frames according to the IEEE 802.1Q standard. You can also specify a VLAN number.

 Use the name and password given to you by your system administrator to log in.
Log on the router and enter enable mode using the standard user name and password assigned to you by your system administrator. Enter an enable password if required.

 Identify which interface will have VLANs.
Identify which physical interface will connect to the switch and which VLAN number is in use. It is possible that more than one interface will connect to VLANs. Record each interface and the VLAN numbers that will connect to it. As an example, let's assume VLAN 25 and 26 will connect to interface Fastethernet 0/0 and VLAN 78 will connect to Fastethernet 0/1.

3. Enter configuration mode by typing "configure terminal". The prompt will change from "Router#" to "Router(config)#".

4. Create or edit a subinterface. Type "interface fastethernet 0/0.1". CISCO2811-DC The prompt will change to "Router(config-subif)#". The "1" following a period after the interface number is the subinterface number. This command will create the subinterface if it does not exist or allow you to edit subinterface 1 if it does exist.

5. Configure the subinterface with IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation and enter one of the VLAN numbers. Use the command "encapsulation dot1Q 25" to set this subinterface to handle VLAN 25.

 The addresses for each VLAN will come from the network design.
Enter the IP address for this VLAN. Each router virtual interface will need a unique IP address as designed in your IP address layout. For example, enter the command "ip address". Both the address and the mask should come from your IP address design.
o    7
Enter "exit" to return to the main configuration prompt of "Router(config)#"

8. Configure the remaining subinterfaces on all required physical interfaces. Use the same commands but substitute the VLAN numbers and IP address from your network plan. In this example, enter "interface fastethernet 0/0.2", "encapsulation dot1Q 26", "ip address" and "exit" to configure the second VLAN. The last VLAN in our example would be entered using the command "interface fastethernet 0/1.1", "encapsulation dot1Q 76", CISCO2811-V/K9 "ip address", "exit". When all information is entered type "end" to exit configuration mode.

9. Verify the configuration by typing "show run" at the router enable prompt of "Router#". Make sure the commands were typed in correctly and the addresses and VLAN numbers match the numbers in your plan.

 Don't forget to save the configuration changes.
Save the configuration by entering the command "copy running-config startup-config".

Tips & Warnings
•    The commands shown here are spelled out in long form so they may be more easily understood. A proficient Cisco operator would abbreviate the commands.
•    For example, "configure terminal" would be abbreviated to "conf t"; "interface would be abbreviated to "int"; "fastethernet" would be abbreviated to "f"; "running-config" would be abbreviated to "run" and "startup-config" C2811-VSEC/K9 would be abbreviated to "start".
•    An alternative to the command "copy run start" is "wr me", meaning "write memory."
•    Remember that the changes you make take effect immediately.
•    Be certain you are editing the subinterface.
•    Deleted subinterfaces may not actually disappear until the the next reload.